Account Renewals, Upgrades or Cancelations

In This Article

Whether you are upgrading or canceling your Jeenie account, the Jeenie Support team can assist you in next steps. 


Most Jeenie contracts are set to automatically renew each year. There is nothing that you need to do in order to renew your account access unless you are looking to make a change (upgrade or otherwise). 

Jeenie self-sign up accounts (consumer or business) operate with pay-as-you-go functionality, so you are only charged for the minutes that you use and there are no yearly contracts or renewals fees. 

If you are looking to make a change ahead of your next renewal, contact your Customer Success Manager or email for assistance.

Upgrades or Cancelations

Email or use this form and include the following information:

  • Organization Name
  • Details on what you’re looking to do, such as:
    • Upgrade from a consumer or self-sign-up account to an Enterprise account
    • Cancel a self-sign-up business or consumer account
    • Cancel an enterprise account

Note that for Enterprise accounts, cancellation will depend on the terms of your current contract.